The Vocation of Men

When I first began discerning my vocation, I had many doubts and questions, but one seemed to loom larger than the rest – how could I live without experiencing motherhood?  Then one afternoon, I had EWTN on in my house while I was doing some chores; I heard a young sister begin sharing her vocation […]

Happy Feast Day!

Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal

Without Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, I would not be in this place today.  She was instrumental in my conversion and continued to guide me in my discernment.  Let me go back to the beginning. When I first met Our Lady under the Miraculous Medal, I wasn’t Catholic yet.  I had just read the […]

Patron Saint of Hope

My first encounter with St. Jude came very shortly after my decision to enter the Catholic Church.  I was studying for the Alaska bar exam and as the exam dates drew nearer, I became more and more overwhelmed with the fear I was going to fail.  There was so much material to study, and Alaska […]

Happy Feast! Blessed Pope John Paul II

Happy Feast! Today we remember Blessed Pope John Paul II. It would be two years after his death before I would enter into full communion with the Catholic Church, but I remember watching scenes from his funeral and the activities surrounding his death on television. And, as I watched, I remember being struck with a […]

Starts Today! Novena to St. Dominic

August 8th is the feast day of St. Dominic and a solemnity for many Dominicans.*  Please consider joining me in a novena to St. Dominic, asking his intercession for the salvation of souls, as well as for the intentions of me, my fellow aspirants and all that have contributed prayers, time and treasure to fostering […]

Lessons From Martha

Most Christians know the story.  Jesus and His disciples were kicking back in the home of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus.  Martha was busy in the kitchen, trying to prepare a meal for the houseful of men.  And where is her sister, Mary?  Sitting with the guys at Jesus’ feet, in rapt awe.  Frustrated, Martha finally […]