New Vocations For Christmas?

It’s All Hallow’s Eve, the unofficial start of the holiday season, at least in the malls and stores. It also marks a milestone for The Labouré Society. We are now over a third of a way through our fundraising term and have a short two months to reach our fundraising goal. Our hope is to […]

Patron Saint of Hope

My first encounter with St. Jude came very shortly after my decision to enter the Catholic Church.  I was studying for the Alaska bar exam and as the exam dates drew nearer, I became more and more overwhelmed with the fear I was going to fail.  There was so much material to study, and Alaska […]

Stories of Gratitude

Recently I was talking with a priest friend over coffee about some of the challenges he faces in his parish.  Full of zeal and tenderness for the people he has been charged to shepherd, it pained him to see and hear apathy and discontentment among his flock as a result of some of the “hard sayings” he […]

Happy Feast! Blessed Pope John Paul II

Happy Feast! Today we remember Blessed Pope John Paul II. It would be two years after his death before I would enter into full communion with the Catholic Church, but I remember watching scenes from his funeral and the activities surrounding his death on television. And, as I watched, I remember being struck with a […]

Today’s Saint Quote: St. Therese of Lisieux