Cy Laurent of the Laboure Society on CatholicTV’s “This Is The Day”

As you know, I am working with Laboure Society as part of efforts to take care of my educational debt and be free to pursue my vocation.  Earlier today, an interview of Cy Laurent, director of the Laboure Society, aired as part of CatholicTV’s “This Is The Day” program.  Check it out here:

Daughter of St. Dominic

When I first started discerning my vocation, I knew very little about the different religious orders and congregations.  Someone suggested to me I start by getting to know the founders of the different orders and communities, to get a sense of their charism. My quest to know more about St. Dominic and the Order of […]

Off the Press: Anchorage Attorney Considers the Cloistered Monastery

Last month, I agreed to be interviewed by Patricia Coll Freeman of the Catholic Anchor, the newspaper for the Archdiocese of Anchorage.  Here is a link to the article that was just published in the August issue.