The Vocation of Men

When I first began discerning my vocation, I had many doubts and questions, but one seemed to loom larger than the rest – how could I live without experiencing motherhood?  Then one afternoon, I had EWTN on in my house while I was doing some chores; I heard a young sister begin sharing her vocation […]

Happy Feast Day!

Preparing for Lent

So much of life as a Catholic is lived in anticipation.  In the Dominican Rite liturgical calendar, we are in a time of preparing for Lent, which, of course, is a time of preparing for Easter.  Are you ready? Lent is a unique season that invites us to deepen our relationship with God by following […]

This Christmas

This could be it.  My last Christmas home, with my family.  As the desire to become a Dominican cloistered nun has grown over the last few years, this is the thought that is ever in my mind each year, and this year was no different.  After fundraising in support of vocations for The Laboure Society […]

Mary Magdalene, Dominicans, and Fruit Tarts

What do these things have in common? More than you might think. Yesterday, July 22nd, was the feast of St. Mary Magdalene, or rather it would have been, had it not been superseded by the solemnity of Sunday. In any case, as Mary Magdalene was so dear to our Lord and, in fact, was the […]