A Weekend with Laboure Society

Last Friday, I boarded a plane and flew all night to St. Paul, Minnesota.  What followed were two grace-filled, jam-packed days of information and fellowship.  The weekend was hosted by The Laboure Society, a non-profit organization founded by Cy Laurent.  In 2003, he recognized the need to assist those who have discerned a call to the priesthood and religious life, but could not enter formation because of student loans.  Since then, The Laboure Society has helped over 220 men and women resolve their educational loans and enter formation to the priesthood and religious life.  With dedicated staff, board members, and volunteers, The Laboure Society kicked off its aspirant class of 2013 – 11 men and women (including me), accepted to formation, eager to move forward, but for this one hurdle…

But you can help.  You have been praying for vocations.  About half of those discerning vocations begin doing so in college or shortly thereafter.  Most religious communities and most dioceses simply cannot absorb the cost of educational loans from their aspirants and postulants.  But by partnering with The Laboure Society with prayer and financial support, you can help 11 young men and women be free to enter formation to the priesthood and religious life.

Want to know more?  Check out the webpage of the Laboure Society Class of 2013.  Read our stories.  I’ll be posting more information over the coming months.  Thank you and I humbly ask for your continued prayers and support!

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